Symonds Radio is a student-led enrichment group at Peter Symonds College, Winchester, who have partnered with Outreach Radio to create programmes for broadcast on DAB across Hampshire & surrounding areas.
Peter Symonds College is a sixth-form college in Winchester, and is the largest sixth-form college in the UK, with roughly 7000 students. It is one of the UK’s few specialist sixth-form colleges which also operate a boarding school, as well as serving Falkland Island residents for sixth-form education.
Every half-term, members of the radio enrichment group produce content and interview student and staff members to showcase and feature updates about Peter Symonds College. Started by Onur, AKA “The Groovy Pelican”, a former student of the college, each programme is produced and compiled by members of the enrichment group, and is broadcast during Outreach Radio’s “Open Airwaves” slot.
Below, you can find information about all broadcasts and programmes conducted and compiled by students of Peter Symonds College.
Fresher’s Fair – 29th & 30th June, 2023
As this year’s cohort transitions away and passes the baton to the next generation of students, The Groovy Pelican, with the rest of the Symonds Radio team, broadcast live on Outreach Radio from the Peter Symonds College Fresher’s Fair on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th June.
The 2-day event included interviews from students, staff and other enrichment groups, showcasing what Peter Symonds College has on offer to prospective students, together with great music for visitors and listeners.
Click on the Play button to listen to the Day 1 highlights of the Symonds Radio Fresher’s Fair Takeover | |
Click on the Play button to listen to the Day 2 highlights of the Symonds Radio Fresher’s Fair Takeover | |
Prom 2023 – June 24th, 2023
The first cohort of the Symonds Radio student team have recently completed their A-Level examinations, and are celebrating their time at the college in style through a student-organised Prom on Saturday the 24th of June, at the Winchester Guildhall.
Outreach Radio celebrated with the students, and marked the occasion by having the Symonds Radio team broadcast live from the Winchester Guildhall. The evening featured live musicians plus DJs from Peter Symonds College alongside Outreach Radio providing great music for everyone attending and tuning in on the radio, as they celebrated the class of 2023.
Click on the Play button to listen to the live broadcast of the Symonds Radio Prom Takeover | |
Pre-Prom Special – June 22nd 2023
Click on the Play button to listen to the live broadcast of the Peter Symonds College Pre-Prom Special | |
Culture Day – April 18th, 2023
As a part of Symonds Radio’s past work with students within ethnic minority societies, we had the opportunity to provide music and P.A. during the day at the inaugural Culture Day on April 18th. This included music from across the world, as well as two great performances from student bands.
Click on the Play button to listen to the 2-part Peter Symonds College Culture Day highlights programme | |
March 2023
For our March broadcast, we interviewed the Voices For Change enrichment following their talk on endometriosis, and we also shared some of our favourite songs by women to celebrate Women’s History Month.
Click on the Play button to listen to the Peter Symonds College March programme | |
February 2023
For our February broadcast, we interviewed Peter Tatchell following his talk for LGBTQ+ History Month, and we also talked about the Coachella lineup for thie year.
Click on the Play button to listen to the Peter Symonds College February programme | |
January 2023
For our first broadcast of the year, we interviewed organisers for the early Hanukkah celebrations at the college, members of the Amnesty International enrichment, as well as musicians from the Holocaust Memorial Day concert.
Click on the Play button to listen to the Peter Symonds College January programme | |
December 2022
This month, we put out a poll for the best album of 2022 – our listeners had the opportunity to pick their favourite album and EP released during 2022, and out of the responses we produced an end-of-year chart show, with a Top-10 chart of the best albums of 2022, and a Top-5 chart of the best EPs.
Click on the Play button to listen to the Peter Symonds College December programme | |
November 2022
This month, we interviewed members of the South Asian Society for their Diwali celebrations, the Student Union following their recent election, the Taylor Swift Society, talking about Taylor’s album “Midnights”, and Mike Marchant, who held a talk for men in sport for International Men’s Day. We also had a chat with NEU representatives and teachers following the industrial action which took place on November 30th.
Click on the Play button to listen to the Peter Symonds College November programme | |
October 2022
This month, we welcomed our new members of the enrichment group, featuring interviews with Kwame and Larry from African Activities, who came to the college to lead Adinkra Printmaking workshops and drumming lessons. We also interviewed Nate Barker, the Lead Director for A Company of Fools – the student-led acting company, who are preparing for their upcoming play, titled “The 39 Steps”.
Click on the Play button to listen to the Peter Symonds College October programme | |
Fresher’s Fair – 30th June & 1st July 2022
As a part of Outreach Radio’s partnership with Symonds Radio, students had the opportunity to broadcast live for two days from the Fresher’s Fair during the 2022 welcome days for prospective students. This included interviews with teachers and other enrichment groups, as well as playing great music to the listeners of Outreach Radio. You can read the post here, or listen to the highlights of the live broadcasts below:
Click on the Play button to listen to the 2-part Peter Symonds College highlights programme | |